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GNSS Final Combined Station Positions/Velocities Product

doi: 10.5067/GNSS/gnss_igssnx_001

Data Center Citation

Noll, Carey E., The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: A resource to support scientific analysis using space geodesy, Advances in Space Research, Volume 45, Issue 12, 15 June 2010, Pages 1421-1440, ISSN 0273-1177,

Data Citation

International GNSS Service, GNSS Final Combined Station Positions/Velocities Product, Greenbelt, MD, USA:NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Accessed [[enter user data access date]] at doi:10.5067/GNSS/gnss_igssnx_001.

Other standard citation formats may be used for this data set and can be found at the DOI Citation Formatter website.

More information about CDDIS data citations and acknowledgments is available.


  • Name: GNSS Final Combined Station Positions/Velocities Product available from the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
  • Format: SINEX, UNIX compressed ASCII
  • Spatial Coverage: 90.0 to -90.0, 180.0 to -180.0
  • Temporal Coverage: 1992-01-01 to present
  • Temporal Resolution: Daily
  • File Size: 12 Mbytes/day
  • Platforms: GPS, GLONASS


The IGS station position/velocity are the basis for the IGS reference frame and are intended for those applications demanding high consistency and quality.

This derived product set consists of Global Navigation Satellite System Final Combined Station Positions/Velocities Product available from the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). GNSS satellites provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage. GNSS data sets from ground receivers at the CDDIS consist primarily of the data from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS). Since 2011, the CDDIS GNSS archive includes data from other GNSS (Europe’s Galileo, China’s Beidou, Japan’s Quasi-Zenith Satellite System/QZSS, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System/IRNSS, and worldwide Satellite Based Augmentation Systems/SBASs), which are similar to the U.S. GPS in terms of the satellite constellation, orbits, and signal structure. Analysis Centers (ACs) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) retrieve GNSS data on regular schedules to produce precise orbits identifying the position and velocity of the GNSS satellites as well as precise station positions and velocities for the network of GNSS receivers. The IGS Reference Frame Coordinator uses these individual AC solutions to generate the official IGS station position/velocity product. The final products are considered the most consistent and highest quality IGS solutions and consists of daily and weekly station position and velocity files in SINEX format, generated on a daily/weekly basis by combining solutions from individual IGS ACs, approximately 11-17 days after the end of the solution week.

Data Access

GNSS Final Combined Station Positions/Velocities Products are (GPS and GPS+GLONASS solutions) online:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:

WWWW/igsyyPwwwwd.snx.Z Combined daily station position/velocity solutions (stations without DOMES numbers removed)
WWWW/igsyyPwwww_all.snx.Z Combined daily station position/velocity solutions (for all stations)
WWWW/igsyyPwwww.snx.Z Combined weekly station position/velocity solutions (stations without DOMES numbers removed)

as described in the table below.

Code Meaning
yy2-digit year
dday of week (0-6, 7 indicates weekly)
.Z UNIX compressed file
