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Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) Products

doi: 10.5067/GNSS/GNSS_IGSMGEXP_001

Data Center Citation

Noll, Carey E., The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: A resource to support scientific analysis using space geodesy, Advances in Space Research, Volume 45, Issue 12, 15 June 2010, Pages 1421-1440, ISSN 0273-1177,

Data Citation

International GNSS Service, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) Products from NASA CDDIS, Greenbelt, MD, USA: NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Accessed [[enter user data access date]] at doi:110.5067/GNSS/GNSS_IGSMGEXP_001.

Other standard citation formats may be used for this data set and can be found at the DOI Citation Formatter website.

More information about CDDIS data citations and acknowledgments is available.


  • Name: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) Products
  • Format: SINEX, SP3, ASCII
  • Spatial Coverage: 90.0 to -90.0, 180.0 to -180.0
  • Temporal Coverage: 2011-01-01 to present
  • Temporal Resolution: Weekly
  • File Size: 250MB/week
  • Platforms: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou


This derived product set consists of Global Navigation Satellite System satellite orbit products (daily files, generated daily) from the real-time IGS analysis center submissions available from NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). GNSS satellites provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage. GNSS data sets from ground receivers at the CDDIS consist primarily of the data from the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS). Since 2011, the CDDIS GNSS archive includes data from other GNSS (Europe’s Galileo, China’s Beidou, Japan’s Quasi-Zenith Satellite System/QZSS, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System/IRNSS, and worldwide Satellite Based Augmentation Systems/SBASs), which are similar to the U.S. GPS in terms of the satellite constellation, orbits, and signal structure. These products include satellite orbit, satellite and station clock, and station position solutions. They are generated multi-GNSS data in support of the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX). The observation data from a global permanent network of ground-based receivers are transmitted from the CDDIS and downloaded by analysis centers who generate these MGEX products. More information about the MGEX products is available at:

Data Access

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) Products are online:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:

WWWW/AAAWWWWD.TYP.ZGPS weeks prior to 1945


as described in the tables below.

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comCenter for Orbit Determination
grmGroupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale
tumTechnical University of Munich
wumWuhan University

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biaGNSS bias solutions in SINEX BIAS format
clkSatellite and station clocks
erpEarth orientation parameter solution
snxStation positions in SINEX format
sp3Orbits in SP3C format

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CODCenter for Orbit Determination
GRGGroupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale
JAXJapan Aerospace Agency
SHAShanghai Observatorye
TUMTechnical University of Munich
WUMWuhan University

GPS weeks prior to 1945

Code Meaning
AAAanalysis center name/type of solution
D day of week (0-6, 7 indicates weekly)
TYPtype of solution
.Z UNIX compressed file

GPS weeks 1945 and onward

Code Meaning
AAAanalysis center name
V 1-char version/solution identifier; nominally 0
TTT 3-char product type specification;
RAP = rapid
FIN = final
YYYY 4-digit year of start epoch
DDD 3-digit day-of-year of start epoch
HH 2-digit hour of start epoch: 00
MM 2-digit minute of start epoch: 00
LEN 2-digits+1-character intended (nominal) product period::
01D for 1 day
01Y for 1 year
??L for coverage interval in months
SMP 2-digits+1-character sampling interval:
01D = 1-day averages
07D = 7-day averages
CNT 3-character content type:
ERP - Earth rotation parameters
CLK - Receiver and/or satellite clock parameters
ORB - Satellite orbits
OSB - Observable-specific signal bias
SOL - Variance/covariance information or normal equations in SINEX
FMT 3-character file format:
CLK - clock RINEX
BIA - bias SINEX
ERP - IGS ERP format
SNX - Solution INdependent EXchange (SINEX) format
SP3 - Standard Product 3 (SP3) orbit format