USER ALERT: CDDIS will be migrating our website from to starting in February 2025 and ending in June 2025. For more information, please see the following web page (

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NASA will be performing network maintenance on Monday, March 10, 2025, between 10:00 AM EDT and 10:30 AM EDT (14:00 to 14:30 UTC). There will be a few short periods of disruption. This will result in the unavailability of the CDDIS archive and the website. If you experience problems outside this window, contact

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DORIS data holdings

DORIS data are provided in two possible forms, depending upon the type of DORIS receiver on-board the satellite. Missions prior to Jason-2 (e.g., SPOT, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Envisat) supply data in multi-day (typically 10 days) files corresponding to the mission’s data processing arc. Missions launched after, and including, Jason-2 in 2008 (e.g., Jason-2, CryoSat-2, HY-2A, SARAL, and future satellites) utilize a new multi-channel DORIS receiver, which is capable of tracking up to seven beacons simultaneously. These missions provide data in daily files in addition to these multi-day files.

The multi-day files are in a DORIS-specific format; these files contain multiple days of data corresponding to the specific satellite’s processing cycle. The new multi-channel DORIS receiver provides both Doppler and phase observations; data from this model are archived in both multi-day DORIS-formatted files and daily files in DORIS Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) format respectively.

The data from each satellite are stored in separate files and directories, by satellite. DORIS data are organized in subdirectories by

  • File content (multi-day files, daily files)
  • Satellite
  • Year

Spatial coverage

Temporal coverage

Data Volume

  • DORIS data in multi-day files: ~3-7 Mbytes/satellite/cycle (compressed)
  • DORIS data in daily files: ~2 Mbytes/satellite/day (compressed)

Data Formats

DORIS data are available from the CDDIS in subdirectories by satellite and year (for RINEX data).

The starting directory for these files is:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:

SAT/SATdata###.VVV.Z  (multi-day files)


as described in the table below.

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SatelliteCodeStart date
End date

More about DORIS-equipped satellites

Code Meaning
SAT 3-character satellite code
YYYY4-digit year
DDD 3-digit day of year
### 3-digit processing cycle number
VVV 3-digit data version number
.Z Unix compressed file

DORIS quaternion files

Satellite quaternion files used to represent the satellite's attitude are available for selected satellites equipped with DORIS receivers:

  • Jason-1
  • Jason-2
  • Jason-3
  • Saral

Two files are provided on a daily basis, one for the satellite bus and one for the solar panels.

The starting directory for these files is:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:



as described in the table below.

Code Meaning
sss 3-character satellite code
qbody or qsolpfixed part (qbody for body quaternions, qsolp (if any) for solar panel quaternions)
YYYYdate: year of first data
MM date: month of the first data
DD date: day in the month of first data
HH time: hour of the first data
MM time: minute of the first data
SS time: second of the first data
yyyy date: year of last data
mm date: month of the last data
dd date: day in the month of last data
hh time: hour of the last data
mn time: minute of the last data
ss time: second of the last data
LLL version number (starting with 001 for the initial version)