USER ALERT: CDDIS will be migrating our website from to starting in February 2025 and ending in June 2025. For more information, please see the following web page (

Laser ranging normal points constitute the primary ILRS data product; they are generated following the conclusion of the laser pass and typically transmitted to the CDDIS within hours of the observation. SLR normal point data are transmitted in hourly and daily files where each file contains all data collected by the ILRS operations center in the previous hour or daily time period. Therefore, these daily files may contain data spanning several operating days. These daily and hourly files containing data from all satellites are available from the "allsat" subdirectory within the normal point archive area. Each day, the CDDIS updates monthly satellite-specific files containing all normal point data received to date for the month. The monthly files contain all normal point data for each satellite during the month.
As of 25-Apr-2017, the CDDIS has changed its directory structure for quarantined SLR data. The CDDIS recently implemented changes to our incoming SLR data processing and archiving procedures. These changes required that we now archive quarantined SLR data (both normal points and full-rate) in subdirectories by station number, rather than subdirectories by site name; these directories are located at:
Older data will be transitioned to this new structure in the near future. EDC has used this directory convention for its quarantined data files. Please contact the CDDIS manager if you have any questions or problems with the new CDDIS archive structure.
Daily and monthly normal point data are available from the CDDIS in subdirectories by satellite and year.
Files in current CRD format
The starting directory varies based on the CRD format version available. Differences between the versions are documented on the ILRS website at
Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:
(monthly sumary file)
as described in the table below.
Code | Meaning |
SATNAME | Satellite name |
YYYY | 4-digit year |
MM | 2-digit month |
DD | 2-digit day |
HH | 2-digit hour |
MI | 2-digit minute |
Files in former ILRS format
(daily and monthly files)
Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:
(monthly summary file)
as described in the table below.
Code | Meaning |
SATNAME | Satellite name |
YYYY | 4-digit year |
YY | 2-digit year |
MM | 2-digit month |
DD | 2-digit day |