NASA, through its Earth Science Data Systems, supports the NASA Earth Science research community in providing Earth science data products and services driven by NASA’s Earth Science goals. NASA’s Earth Science Program is dedicated to advancing Earth remote sensing and pioneering the scientific use of satellite measurements to improve human understanding of our home planet in order to inform economic and policy decisions and improve operational services of benefit to the Nation. Through the Making Earth Science Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Program, NASA is continuing its commitment to expand understanding of the Earth system using consistent records. NASA has begun to deploy new types of sensors to provide three-dimensional profiles of Earth’s atmosphere and surface. Emphasis is placed on linking together multiple satellites into a constellation, developing the means of utilizing a multitude of data sources to form coherent time series, and facilitating the use of extensive data in the development of comprehensive Earth system models.
The MEaSUREs projects are focused on product generation, availability, and utility. During the life of MEaSUREs projects, each project is responsible for making its Earth Science Data Records (ESDRs) available to the user community. At the end of the MEaSUREs projects, the generated ESDRs will be archived and distributed by the EOSDIS data centers. More information about the archives supporting MEaSUREs projects is available at:
The CDDIS is an Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). CDDIS has been designated as the DAAC for one MEaSUREs project, the Enhanced Solid Earth Science ESDR System (ESESES), a collaborative activity between JPL and the Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC). The archived products are time series of geodetic station positions, velocity fields, strain and strain rate, and time series offsets. Weekly updates are issued by the project. In addition, the project has developed the MGViz data portal, which provides tools to access and explore these GPS data products. More information about the ESESES and its predecessors, SESES, is available at:
- 2006 SESES MEaSUREs Project (PI: Frank Webb)
- 2012 SESES MEaSUREs Project (PI: Yehuda Bock)
- 2017 ESESES MEaSUREs Project (PI: Yehuda Bock)
The CDDIS provides encrypted ftp-ssl and https access to products. Tar files created through processes at the SOPAC contain complete, cleaned files of geodetic displacement time series since 1992, station velocities and coseismic offsets, episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events in Cascadia, total water storage in the Western U.S., sesimogeodetic waveforms for historical earthquakes, and displacement and strain rate grids. Troposphere and precipitable water products (five-minute resolution) are processed at JPL and forwarded to CDDIS.
Daily Displacement Time Series
Tropospheric zenith total delay and precipitable water vapor (V1, V2, V3)
Plate boundary aseismic (ETS) transients
High-rate earthquake displacement and velocity waveforms
Water Storage Time Series
Weekly displacement grids time series
3D station velocity estimates
Weekly strain rate grids
Related links:
- CDDIS archive location:
- ESESES Web Pages:
- MGViz data portal:
- JPL timeseries information:
- SIO/SOPAC information:
- IVS documentation