DORIS reference frame products include time series, cumulative, DPOD, and weekly solutions
- Time series of sinex solutions (monthly, weekly, daily, ...)
- Cumulative
- DPOD solutions
- Weekly solutions
Time series of sinex solutions (monthly, weekly, daily, ...)
doi: 10.5067/DORIS/DORIS_IDSSTCD_001
Doppler Orbitography by Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite (DORIS) Station Position Time Series Product from the NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). DORIS is a dual-frequency Doppler system consisting of a receiver flying aboard a satellite and a globally distributed network of ground beacons. DORIS observations from a global network can be utilized for a variety of products. Analysis Centers (ACs) of the International DORIS Service (IDS) retrieve DORIS data on a regular basis and after producing the weekly SINEX files using the current ITRF, compute station position time series solutions for the DORIS beacons supporting the IDS network. The IDS Analysis Center Coordinator combines these individual AC solutions to generate the official IDS DORIS network time series solution in the IDS STCD (Station Coordinates Difference) format.
IDS Station coordinates products are online:
in subdirectories by analysis center as follows:
station coordinates
plots of station coordinates
Code | Meaning |
ccc | 3-character analysis center name |
WW | year of submission |
VV | version number of the solution |
aaaa | 4-character station name |
.Z | UNIX compressed file |
.gif | image file |
The global solutions are the first type of IDS geodetic products, defined within the scientific community working with IERS, IVS, IGS, ILRS and/or IDS. The purpose of this product is to serve as input for global combinations. They include two types of estimated parameters and the corresponding variance-covariance information, as follows.
- global astro-geodetic parameters that describe station positions and motions, Earth orientation,motion of the station network with respect to the Earth's center of mass, satellite motion (caseof satellite geodesy) and radio source directions (case of VLBI);
- parameters for local models, such as those describing the effect of the troposphere on thesignal transmission. These solutions are provided in the SINEX (Software INdependent EXchange) format.
Global SINEX solutions products are online:
in subdirectories by analysis center as follows:
Code | Meaning |
ccc | 3-character analysis center name |
WW | last two digits of year of the solution submission |
VV | version number |
.Z | UNIX compressed file |
DPOD solutions
doi: 10.5067/DORIS/DORIS_IDSDPOD_001
Doppler Orbitography by Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite (DORIS) Station Position Product for Precise Orbit Determination from the NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). DORIS observations from a global network can be utilized for a variety of products. Analysis Centers (ACs) of the International DORIS Service (IDS) retrieve DORIS data on a regular basis to compute station position solutions for the DORIS beacons supporting the IDS network. The IDS Analysis Center Coordinator combines these solutions to produce an official IDS product. This DPOD (DORIS extension of the ITRF for Precise Orbit Determination) solution is a set of coordinates and velocities of all the DORIS tracking stations for Precise Orbit Determination (POD) applications. The combined solution is generated in conjunction with official determination of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. DPOD solutions are available in SINEX format.
The DPOD solutions products are online:
in subdirectories by year as follows:
Code | Meaning |
WWWW | year of the ITRF version on which the DPOD solution is based |
VV | version number in year YY |
snx | sinex format |
txt | txt format |
.Z | UNIX compressed file |
Weekly solutions
Doppler Orbitography by Radiopositioning Integrated on Satellite (DORIS) Weekly Station Position Product from the NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS). DORIS observations from a global network can be utilized for a variety of products. Analysis Centers (ACs) of the International DORIS Service (IDS) retrieve DORIS data on a regular basis to compute weekly station position solutions for the DORIS beacons supporting the IDS network. The IDS Analysis Center Coordinator combines these individual AC solutions in a standard least-squares adjustment to generate the official IDS weekly combined station position solution.
IDS Weekly station coordinates products are online:
in subdirectories by analysis center as follows:
Code | Meaning |
ccc | 3-character analysis center name |
YY | last two digits of year of the first observation |
DDD | three-digit day of year of the first observation |
VV | version number of the solution |
.Z | UNIX compressed file |