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DORIS Satellite Quaternions

doi: 10.5067/DORIS/DORIS_IDSQUAT_001

Data Center Citation

Noll, Carey E., The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: A resource to support scientific analysis using space geodesy, Advances in Space Research, Volume 45, Issue 12, 15 June 2010, Pages 1421-1440, ISSN 0273-1177,

Data Citation

DORIS Satellite Quaternions product, Greenbelt, MD, U.S.A: NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Accessed [[enter user data access date]] at doi: 10.5067/DORIS/DORIS_IDSQUAT_001.

Other standard citation formats may be used for this data set and can be found at the DOI Citation Formatter website.

More information about CDDIS data citations and acknowledgments is available.


  • Name: DORIS Satellite Quaternions product available from the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
  • Format: ASCII
  • Spatial Coverage: 90.0 to -90.0, 180.0 to -180.0
  • Temporal Coverage: 2001-01-01 to present
  • Temporal Resolution: Daily
  • File Size: 500KB
  • Platforms: Satellites with DORIS beacons


Satellite quaternion files used to represent the satellite's attitude are available for selected satellites equipped with DORIS receivers:

  • Jason-1
  • Jason-2
  • Jason-3
  • Saral

Two files are provided on a daily basis, one for the satellite bus and one for the solar panels.

The starting directory for these files is:

Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:



as described in the table below.

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Code Meaning
sss 3-character satellite code
qbody or qsolpfixed part (qbody for body quaternions, qsolp (if any) for solar panel quaternions)
YYYYdate: year of first data
MM date: month of the first data
DD date: day in the month of first data
HH time: hour of the first data
MM time: minute of the first data
SS time: second of the first data
yyyy date: year of last data
mm date: month of the last data
dd date: day in the month of last data
hh time: hour of the last data
mn time: minute of the last data
ss time: second of the last data
LLL version number (starting with 001 for the initial version)

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