Optical Data Used in JGM-2 and EGM96


Optical Data Used in JGM-2 and EGM96

(ordered by inclination)

Satellite Name Semimajor Axis
Eccentricity Inclination
No. of Obs.
Courier-1B 7469 0.016 28.3 2,470
Vanguard 2 8298 0.164 32.9 1,290
Vanguard 2RB 8496 0.183 32.9 681
D1-D 7341 0.053 40.0 6,032
D1-C 7622 0.084 39.5 2,692
BE-C 7507 0.025 41.2 7,505
Telstar-1 9669 0.243 44.8 3,946
Echo-1RB 7966 0.012 47.2 4,468
Anna-1B 7501 0.008 50.1 4,043
Geos-1 8075 0.071 59.3 60,737
Transit-4A 7322 0.008 66.8 3,831
Injun-1 7316 0.008 66.8 3,264
Secor-5 8151 0.079 69.2 721
BE-B 7354 0.014 79.7 1,734
OGO-2 7341 0.075 87.4 1,204
Oscar-7 7440 0.002 89.2 1,851
5BN-2 7462 0.006 90.0 818
Midas-4 9995 0.011 95.8 31,749
Geos-2 7711 0.031 105.8 61,431
OVI-2 8317 0.018 144.3 962
Total 201,429

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Send questions or comments to:
Frank.G.Lemoine@nasa.gov or Douglas.Chinn@gsfc.nasa.gov
Last revised December 22, 2004, 21:36 UTC.