doi: 10.5067/GNSS/gnss_measures_aseismic_transients_001
Data Center Citation
Noll, Carey E., The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System: A resource to support scientific analysis using space geodesy, Advances in Space Research, Volume 45, Issue 12, 15 June 2010, Pages 1421-1440, ISSN 0273-1177,
Data Citation
ESESES MEaSUREs Products plate boundary aseismic transient deformation product, Greenbelt, MD, USA: NASA Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), Accessed [[enter user data access date]] at doi:10.5067/GNSS/gnss_measures_aseismic_transients_001.
Other standard citation formats may be used for this data set and can be found at the DOI Citation Formatter website.
More information about CDDIS data citations and acknowledgments is available.
- Name: ESESES MEaSUREs Products plate boundary aseismic transient deformation product
- Format: ASCII, PDF
- Spatial Coverage: Cascadia
- Temporal Coverage: 1994-09 - ongoing
- Temporal Resolution: variable; event based
- File Size: unknown
- Platforms: multiple GNSS
Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) empowers the research community to participate in developing and generating data products that complement and augment NASA produced and distributed Earth science data products. NASA's Enhanced Solid Earth Science Earth Science Data Record (ESDR) System (ESESES) continues and extends mature geodetic data product generation and archival as part of the MEaSUREs SESES project providing new, multi-decade, calibrated and validated geodetic-derived ESDRs obtained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology (JPL/Caltech). These data-derived products include continuous multi-year high-rate GNSS, seismogeodetic, and meteorological time series, a catalog of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic motion such as ETS with focus in Cascadia, and continuous estimation and cataloging of total near-surface water content derived from continuous GNSS time series over the continental U.S.
Daily, combined, cleaned and filtered, GIPSY-GAMIT long-term time series of Continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (CGNSS) station positions (global and regional) in the latest version of ITRF.
Catalog and parameterization of transient deformation in tectonically active areas known for aseismic transient motion such as episodic tremor and slip (ETS), first discovered in Japan and Cascadia. A new set of displacements will be made available whenever a transient event is detected and analyzed and/or when newly updated time series solutions warrant the re-analysis.Â
Data Access
The ESESES MEaSUREs Products plate boundary aseismic transient deformation products are online:
in subdirectories by year and day of year as follows:
as described in the table below.
Code | Meaning |
Region | Cascadia |
Transienttype | ETS |
YYYY | 4-digit year |
MM | 2-digit month |
DD | 2-digit day of month |
.tar | Unix tar compressed file |
.gz | gzipped compressed file |
See the ESESES Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) for detailed descriptions of the products: