DORIS quaternion files
Satellite quaternion files used to represent the satellite's attitude are available for selected satellites equipped with DORIS receivers:
- Jason-1
- Jason-2
- Jason-3 (future)
- Saral
Two files are provided on a daily basis, one for the satellite bus and one for the solar panels.
The starting directory for these files is:
Append the following directory and file names to the starting directory:
as described in the table below.
Satellite | Code |
Jason-1 | ja1 |
Jason-2 | ja2 |
Jason-3 | ja3 |
Saral | srl |
Code | Meaning |
sss | 3-character satellite code |
qbody or qsolp | fixed part (qbody for body quaternions, qsolp (if any) for solar panel quaternions) |
YYYY | date: year of first data |
MM | date: month of the first data |
DD | date: day in the month of first data |
HH | time: hour of the first data |
MM | time: minute of the first data |
SS | time: second of the first data |
yyyy | date: year of last data |
mm | date: month of the last data |
dd | date: day in the month of last data |
hh | time: hour of the last data |
mn | time: minute of the last data |
ss | time: second of the last data |
LLL | version number (starting with 001 for the initial version) |